Data Management Policy


The recording of data within the practice is under the management and control of Dr Nalini Modha, who is the Clinical Governance and IT lead GP for the practice.

The quality of data, the use of templates and the use of specific coding is reviewed on an ongoing basis and the findings are discussed at weekly clinical policy meetings, where examples of coding issues are cited as appropriate.

Dr Nalini Modha and Dr Neil Modha is responsible for overall coding and data quality issues within the practice and will ensure accuracy and consistency in coding among both the clinicians and the administrative or casual staff.

Agnieszka Soczowka is the non-clinical manager responsible for audit and exception identification and reporting within the practice.

This responsibility is supported by frequent audit and validation of data using QOF and other tools, and is supported by a data administrator employed for this purpose.

The Clinical System, SystemOne is responsible for distributing updates Read / SNOMED codes as and when they become available.

Any queries should be addressed to the lead GP.