Thistlemoor wins Practice Team Award 2023 from Royal College of General Practitioners
We’re delighted to announce that Thistlemoor Medical Centre won the Royal College of General Practitioners Practice Team Award 2023 for East Anglia.
We were recognized for our population health management project led by Gina Goubran, an MBA degree-level social prescriber, alongside our GP trainees Moamar, Ijeoma and Susan Waller, and teams from Peterborough Council and Peterborough CVS.
The project focussed on why frequent fliers were attending our service and others so often when on paper they didn’t have medical problems. The results were astounding: a 75% reduction in GP appointments and a ~30% percent reduction in emergency attendances.
In the future, we will continue our work to better support our patients with interventions that make a difference, including Tai-Chi and Yoga, and through work, housing and financial means where available.